About Fintry Museum

Fintry Museum Society created the Museum in 2021 to share the village’s great story with locals and the world.

How It Began

The first idea was simply to place display interpretation boards at key points around Fintry.  It seemed a good idea to place a copy of these indoors in one place.

This grew rapidly into a building concept (a portacabin was the first thought!). Then the Sports Club offered ground space for a real building.  Fund-raising of around £100,000 was almost all obtained within the community. 

Picture of museum displays
Interior of the museum

The project became much more than planned!  Building was complex, historical research extensive, design of boards exciting, paper archival work enormous, artefacts more than we expected. Voluntary help was an essential tool.

We hope to return to the idea of interpretation boards around the village.

This is a community space.  It is a social area and a place to learn about pride in our astonishing community. There will be talks and meetings and events. Pop-up exhibitions will happen. Archaeological digs and new discoveries are yet to be made! 

Fintry Museum Society

Fintry Museum Society
Founding Committee (clockwise from top-left): Dougie Spence, David Smith, Hugh Edmond and Meg Duckworth

Founding Committee:
Chairman – David Smith,
Treasurer – Hugh Edmond,
Secretary – Meg Duckworth
Committee Member –  Dougie Spence

The Edmond Connection

The Museum is also known as The Edmond Gallery in tribute to the longest direct line of one family.  Hugh Edmond, born in Fintry in 1938, can trace back his family continuously in the village since the 1500s. 


Fintry Museum was created with the help of many people through time, skills, donations and voluntary work. Thank you to those named here and to many others.

George Aitken
Mark and Linda Anderson
Margaret Bell
David Brown
Keir Brown
Dennis Buchanan
Mairead and Alistair Cameron
Sam Canning
Jim Chesney
Stephanie Christie
Cecilie Corso
Kate Deans
Alan Dewhurst
Chris and Gillie Drapper
John and Meg Duckworth
Betty Dunsmuir
Hugh Edmond
John and Lorna Edmond
David and Margaret Ferrie
Tony and Lorna Flisch
Alex and Janet Fitzsimmons
Sheila Fraser
Iain and Gillian Frazer
Alex Hailstones
Andrew and Cathy Haslam
Gill Haslam
Sam Haslam
Marlene Hay
Martin and Ann Hislop
Gordon and Susan Hunter
Willie Kay
Sandy and Irene Kelso
Walter Knights
Hamish and Fiona Leslie
John and Pam Lightbody
Fiona and Morven Lindsay
Lynch family at Hallburn
Murray and Maureen Macadam
Kat McCracken
Ronnie and Annette MacDonald
Lorna McFarlane
Peter McGuire
Steve Mclean
Andy and Barbara McLeod
McMurtrie family
Bruce Mearns
Marjorie and Robert More
June Muirhead
Stuart Mulgrew
Dr Vicki Nash
Brian and Carol Noonan
Joe and Hazel Norman
Martyn and Diane Pairman
Wendy Palgrave
Maggie and Kevin Price
Jamie and Linda Pearson
Jack Primrose
Douglas Rae
Mark Reid
Helen Robb
Brenda Ross
Bob and Margaret Rowan
Cecily Roy
Willy Sangster
Graeme Scott
Hugh and Wilma Sinclair
Sean Sims
Brendan Sims
Pete and Jo Skabara
David and Jackie Smith
Dianne Smith
Heather Smith
Ken and Joanne Smith and family
Sandra Smith
Dougie and Heidi Spence
Paul and Hendy Spence
Louise Stearn
Elma Stewart
Margaret Strang
Evelyn Edmond Sunness
Martin and Kate Turner
Rosie Walters
Helen and Allan Watson
Steven Westwood
Oscar Wild

And of course, all at Fintry Sports and Recreation Club

Explore Fintry Past